today is a billy joel day. so far this week has been two days johnny cash, one day billy joel. today was almost neil diamond day, but i will need to save him for another day. the website i use to download all my music lets you listen to entire albums without buying, so this is usually what i do at work. its pretty sweet. plus if there are tracks on the disk that i don't like, i can delete them from the playlist..
earlier this week we had some serious winds and the top part of a tree in the parking lot fell onto a car. luckily it wasn't mine. it wasn't anyones at my company actually. makes me want to make sure my insurance would cover something like that. with what i pay them, if they didn't cover it i would have to go into their offices with a bag of guns.
i finished the 4th season of 6 feet under last night. wow. pretty great!! i saw that arthur comes back for an episode or two in the next season. that comes out in march. woo who! now on to lost and the 5th season of sopranos... then i need to fins someone with HBO that will be watching the new season of sopranos in march.
today is the first meeting of "art club". it going to be fun i think. :) i think i'm gonna get a 12 pack at lunch for us...
Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers
7 years ago