they say i have a 1 in 176 million chance of winning tonights drawing. actually, i have 24 tickets, so maybe its slightly higher than that. :) we figured out that the lump sum will be something like 131 million. shiiit. how nice would that be? i could up my "range" for house hunting if i won. i could also buy another car, and pay off the one i currently have. i could travel more too, first class even!! and stay in places that have modern bathrooms, not paint flakey mildew ridden fleabag motels. i could invest for my retirement. i could throw a kick ass pirate party (i am playing around with the idea even if i don't win the lottery). i could get a summer place on saranac lake. i could go back to school for art. i could get myself a damned bluetooth headset. i could buy some babies for my sister. and most importantly, i could put some in my savings account to raise it up from the $5 i deposited to start the account.
Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers
7 years ago