i had a great productive weekend. i spent most of today cooking and grocery shopping.. cath and i made some moroccan meatball soup and cabbage rolls. deliciousness!! i also bought all kinds of groceries and meal things for next week. wooot!
friday night i saw three hundos with the Fs. WF says he wants to meet up for brunch sunday, but i'll believe it when i see it. :) he's in PA all week. i liked 300, it was uber violent, but again, it was one of those movies that just oozes testosterone. i think i'm fiending for testoterone lately. the movie started at 1035. we got there fashionably early at 9pm. :) which i am actually glad about, there is nothing worse then getting to the theater late and getting a crappy seat, and missing previews. needless to say we were the first people in line for the 1035. there was a woman there with 2 toddlers.. the older child couldn't have been more than 4 and then there was probably a 2 year old. one or both of the kids started crying during the movie. it must have lasted 15 minutes. i was livid!! what the F were they doing there in the first place???
saturday cath and i went to the gym at 1030. it was insanely packed. so we left and walked around the old fayetteville mall. :) then i got ready and met my old high school friends OC and MV for lunch, drinks and a tour of MVs new house. it was gorgeous, they've redone the inside completely. i should have taken pictures. hearing MVs husband talk about all the work that he has done was insanely inspiring. he had a visible passion for the work he had done. it really made me think seriously about doing some construction, or looking for a guy that is in construction. at lunch the three of us talked about our lives and i realized how different mine is. something the two of them have in common that i don't is that they cook meals each night for their significant others. one even cooks a 4-5 course meal each night. wtf??? i don't really think i will ever do that. where is the equality? i'm wondering if my idea of an ideal man exists.. he would have about a 3 day beard growth at all times, he would be a computer nerd. he'd also have to be able to remodel our house, and not crappily either, it'll need to be good. i can be very anal... :)
saturday night my roommates and i went to oswego to scope out an annual juried art show that i am going to enter next year. we scoped it out. i think i might be able to make it in.. all that art inspired me to take some photos.. so at the show, at greenes afterwards, and at the sub shop i tool photos. at one point cath told me if i didn't stop taking her picture she was going to sue me.
JI, check out the raw photos, i think you'll see someone you remember from school...
here are some of the pics i took.. see the rest in the uncut version on ofoto..
i love art shows...
the bartender moves quick!
mike loves greenes.
maybe i can put this in the art show next year.
sub shop... i miss this place!
cath ordered a "beef on the wick", it didn't hold a candle to my salami sub. afterall it is called the sub shop...
here are the photos in their raw form...
Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers
7 years ago