i was laying in bed last night, my brain refusing to shut off and i started thinking about how the UK operates on a 24 hour day. i was thinking, do they go around all day subtracting 12 from the time, or do they think in army time, and if that is the case, do they say "cheerio, its seventeen o'clock!" are their watches and clocks bigger than normal watches and go all they way to 24? i must get to the bottom of this inquiry...
while i was at target today picking up a cute small umbrella i also grabbed the paperback versions of Harry Potter 5 and 6. my flight there is 10.5 hours, and the flight back is going to be 13, i'm hoping to finally finish at least book 5. i also have 3 netflix movies to watch, and i shuddered when i saw what i have. Wonderland. in case you are unfamiliar with that movie, its about john holmes and how he was implicated in a murder. in case you don't know, john holmes was a porn star back in the day, so i would imagine there is some sort of porn in this movie. porn movies make great airplane movies. :)
i'm researching taking a roadtrip the last weekend we are in london, edinburgh scotland is only 6.5 hours drive from london. and that was the best part of the ireland trip, driving on the wrong side of the road, in the wrong half of the car... wooo who! so fun!
i have also been thinking that since people are coming up for st pattys day, then maybe i should have a st pattys day/birthday dinner somewhere. if you live in the area and don't already have plans, i'll be inviting you to a dinner that night, location tbd..
Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers
7 years ago