i rec'd a text this weekend from a friend saying they were entering in a bacon eating contest. it just struck me now that i have no idea what that would entail, and the very thought of it makes me kind of sick. i am a pretty picky meat eater and bacon is one of those things that needs to be just right for me to eat. if its not ridiculously crispy i can't eat it. anyway, in and amongst the dress fittings we talked about how much bacon each of us could eat. 2 lbs seemed like no problem to these women. i am curious to hear how my friend fared, how much he ate, how much the winner ate and what the heck the prize was.. just thinking about that much bacon is giving me canker sores on my tongue from salt overload. i'll be sure to report back when i here the results.
i prepped my area here in my new office so i could photograph it for the blog and my myspace, but alas, i have left my purse at home today. :( perhaps tomorrow.
Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers
7 years ago