so i watched survivor per my thursday usual. then i got sucked into the rest of the thursday night shows, missing a hella exciting game. i guess sheffield went after a fan, francona and papa jack were ejected. total excitement and i missed it!
i was tipped off by this exciting news by lee when he called to let me know he's exploring his connections to see if we can avoid paying 200 a ticket for the cubs games. cross your fingers for me.
i bought a new wireless router tonight too. ours crapped the bed. i'm kinda glad too, cause it was only a G router which means it would only allow us to connect at 11MB per second (hard wiring transmits at 100MB per second). of the 4 wireless cards in the house, only one is incapable of connecting at the next speed up which is 54MB per second. the G router. but the G router will allow a B card to connect, it will just only connect at 11mbs, and the g cards will connect at 54mbs. also. we got the one that my old boss recommended, he says its really good for targeting mac addresses and locking them out. so in theory we should be able to identify if anyone is trying to steal our signal and lock them out. wooot! and it had a rebate so it'll be like $35.
have a lovely day, and don't forget to take your nice pills.
Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers
7 years ago