Wednesday, January 17, 2007

cold day..

to say its cold today would be an understatement. mike said that it was too cold out for the temperature gauge to measure the outdoor temperature. i looked at the web, and one site said 1 degrees and another said 11. my boss seemed to think it was 7, so that's what i'm going with..

i woke this morning to my usual radio, and then i dozed off and woke again when i didn't hear any radio, that indicated to me that it was well past 9, cause my radio goes off at 7 for 2 hours. i look at the time and see that the power is out. relief! i wasn't late for work! lucky for me i am on call so i brought my work phone to bed with me. i phoned cath. she seemed to think we could still take warm showers. that is when i started smelling the smells of camping... when the power goes out the pellet stove hopper stops spitting pellets in to feed the fire, and it eventually goes out. when you don't bury the fire in ash (mike told me this morning) the fire smoulders out and smokes out the entire house. cath didn't smother the fire..

after dark dressing and lunch making i started up my car. it was a cross your fingers situation. i thought it wasn't going to turn over. and believe me, i don't remember my leather seats ever being as cold as they were this morning. i felt like i was sitting on a block of ice and steering with another round block of ice.

but i did decide to wear my legwarmers under my pants this morning though. i won't be bitten by jack frost again today! i still don't have a winter hat yet. i'm afraid i've lost my kitty hat, and i can't find a suitable replacement online. :( i loved that hat! i had some great times with that hat, the memories are flooding in.... i'll save them for another post.