phew! the next time LK and i are home and awake at the same time i will have her take a pic of me in the dress. its not pretty... :)
tonight is margaritas.. i can't wait, especially since i've been listening to adam corollas radio show lately, and since its broadcast from southern california, pretty much all the commercials are for mexican food. even though they keep talking about fish tacos.. i am still mouth watering for mexican food.
speaking of seafood, i think it was because of survivor. i had this strange dream last night that i went to megan browns house, and it was turned into a restaurant, and i was the only one there. i ordered mussel/spinach raviolis and ate them and didn't throw up. uncle paul was at my house in fayetteville when i got back. oh, and the restaurant didn't give me any water, or anything to drink.
what does it all mean? :)
Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers
7 years ago