i'm getting a haircut tonight. i am kind of excited. although i wonder if the little old lady that is doing it will do a good job straightening it, i kind of think not, so i think i will go to the other place. it'll cost more, but at least i will be satisfied with the straightening... i should call her back and tell her that i won't be coming though, she hemmed and hawed about being open at 630. :( i wouldn't want her to stay open and me not show up.
LK suggested i do another dry month like i did two years and a month ago (wow its been that long) shiiiiit. so i think in april i will be on the wagon, and i will wear my hair in braids. that was a fun part of that whole thing.
LOST was sooo good last night. that henry gayle is an other. he was shady... i was hoping with all the locke flashbacks they would show how he became crippled. i am thinking those 2 men beat him paralyzed... also. i was reading on some sites that in the training video there was mention of 6 hatches on the island... so, we have seen 3. i bet the others live in one.. the next two weeks of LOST are new, then 2 weeks of repeats, then the season finale the first wed in may. woo who.
i had a horrible nightmare last night. i wonder if its my body rebelling against only sleeping in 2 hour intervals... but anyway, i dreamt that KT either killed BD, or just buried his body after he killed himself, and then she went ahead with her move to the UK and moved into his house and everything. she called me though when she was disposing of the body and i started to get paranoid that i would be interrogated and accused when the police finally realize he's missing/dead and it would be on record that she had called me.. etc. very unsettling... maybe i should lay off the true crime for a while. or maybe i should tip my bed back up level so i do more sleeping ad less dreaming...
Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers
7 years ago