its noon and i'm at the hancock airport. my flight leaves for atlanta in 45 minutes. there is wifi here at the airport. sweet! there are 2 actually, a starbucks wifi and a "free public" one. how cool. my bag had to be searched after it went through the xray machine because of my corkscrew. the searcher said it was okay to bring if it didn't have a knife on it. so he had to unpack my entire suitcase to find it (cause i "hid" it inside the main part of the suitcase) and sure enough it had a knife part to it.. i should have brought my favorite oxo corkscrew. :( that one does not have a blade. shiiiiiit. he wanted me to go back to the checkin desk and check the whole bag and then i could keep it, but i can't afford to have my luggage lost somewhere, that's happened to me too many times.
as far as i can tell there are going to be 3 kids on the flight. one of which is a crying bastard! he's been crying from the minute i stepped into the airport till now. hes not even a baby.. grrrrrr... if he is sitting anywhere near me i will be pissed.
in the lobby of the airport there is a cross section cut of an airplane. you can see where the seats are in relation to the luggage underneath, and the metal beams that support the body of the plane. its quite frightening actually. it reminds me of lost, and i would think that reminding people of plane crashes at an airport is not very good marketing...
i spoke too soon, there is no real internet connection. :(
its now 245 atlanta time (not sure if there is a time change or not) i am in atlanta... my flight is supposed to leave at 324, but the sign says 420. good thing there is a sam adams brew put right next to my gate. again my wireless card is picking up a couple wifi signals, but so far no luck really connecting to them.
i am going to order lunch and maybe a glass of wine. i am almost done with the five people you meet in heaven. probably because it is only 200 pages long. who recommended this book to me? i know someone did....
thankfully none of the children were sitting near me, and if they were, they were not crying... :)
i ordered a stuffed pretzel and a glass of chardonnay. and i am sure i look so classy drinking it in my t-shirt and gym pants. :)
i've seen a lot of soccer fans at these airports. at least i assume that normal people don't go around in survivor looking brazil flagged tube tops.
its 4pm now, i heard someone say something about the flight being delayed till 445 now, i hope its my flight, i am finishing my 2nd glass of wine, and the lady took my credit card.
i finished the 5 people you meet in heaven. eh.... i cried a few times, but it wasn't the best book i've ever read.
i'm gonna go check the flight time now... :)
815pm, minneapolis time...okay, i am here in my hotel room now. and i'm gonna quick change and go to dinner/mall of america i think.
i'll write later...
Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers
7 years ago