this weekend my camera started acting really strange and taking fuzzy pictures. (you might not have noticed in the photo album.. i might have deleted all the REALLY crappy fuzzy ones.) at one point last weekend my camera even stopped taking pics, just black screens. i had to throw it on the ground (thus cracking the viewer even more) to get it to work again.
nipping that camera disaster in the bud i am the proud winner of another ebay auction. its a nikon s5 (my old one was the nikon s1, for those of you keeping track). they are making the s10 now. so, don't fret nay-sayers, i didn't get the most expensive one i could have. the one thing that made me consider buying the s9 was the wifi picture transfer, how sweet does that sound? this s5 has a pretty sweet "curve" design to it. that was one of the main selling points for me.
the next ebay purchase i make will be a beer bottle resistant case.
in other random news, i got a haircut, i won "1st place most original" for my candy corn costume in an office contest. i got a $25 gift certificate to an area restaurant for that. i was on our morning show called "bridge street" dancing to the monster mash in my costume yesterday. this morning i was part of a skit they did about one of the cohosts, i played the part of an autograph seeking fan. i'll let you know if it becomes available as an internet clip. tonight i am going out to dinner with my roommates and then we are going to an art opening for the figure drawing group i have been going to. i'll be in the next show don't you worry. then i get to watch LOST in real time, not on thursday.
this weekend a cath and i and a few friends are going to see 'borat'. i have some pretty high expectations, so i hope i am not disappointed.
Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers
7 years ago