i had to do some home improvement shopping today and while i was out in N. Syracuse i noticed that there were a few restaurants in a close vicinity that i don't believe i have been to. that made me think that i really should keep a running list of restaurants that i intend to eat at. and i saw on someone elses blog that once a month he goes out to eat with a friend to a new restaurant and writes a review on his blog. i think i want to start doing that too. anyone want to be my restaurant critiquing partner? i think another great reason for this list would be because i can't tell you how many times i'm faced with a "where do you want to go" situation and i always end up at the same old places...
so, here is the starter list that will continue to grow, please feel free to submit ideas to me for places to go.
Buffalo Wild Wings
Moe's Southwest Grill (have i been there SF?)
Coppertop Tavern (made me immediately think/get nostalgic for Tin Alley)
The Mission (ironically a discount deal tomorrow)
Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers
7 years ago