we shared 1st place this week, but it was first place none the less. god we're smart! it was also CWs birthday, so we had pastries and cupcakes! yum...
i was just clicking down the line through my favorites and came across this link.. omg. i might have to do it. and i would also suggest LK do it too. :) lol...
tomorrow is TV thursday, i look forward to it all week. i have a stupid amount of shows that i watch that are on thursdays. i dare say its around 4 hours worth of tv for just that one night. that is sick, i am sick, i watch a ridiculous amount of tv. i should have joel mchales job i watch so much! in case you are wishing and hoping i would spell out these shows, i will.. survivor china, the office, 30 rock and CSI. soon the office will be back to a 30 minute show so then i can get it down to 3 hours. sometimes if cath tapes greys i watch that, but luckily so far this season she's been watching it real time on her own, so i've been watching CSI. speaking of CSI, i hope sarah sidle doesn't leave the show.
alright, i'm tired and slightly buzzing, time for bed.
Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers
7 years ago