first the bad...
i contacted a lawyer today about my tickets and while he can probably do something about the cell phone ticket, i'll still need to pay the fee, the court fee and his fee. because that offense doesn't result in any points on my driving record, i think cath and i are going to go to court tomorrow and do our best to act sorry and remorseful and hope to get it reduced..
the bad news is about the speeding ticket. the lawyer says that the courts pretty much never reduce a ticket when its in a work zone, so he won't ever attempt to work with me on that one. so i signed up for a defensive driving course, and i'm hoping with cath's expert letter writing skills i will be able to mail in a not guilty plea, and get out of it... fingers crossed.
on to the good...
i confirmed today that i will not be on call this weekend so i can go to portville and help the hunts get ready to sell their house. and i also confirmed that i won't be on call the weekend of the big camping trip. wooooot!!!
the exciting...
i had my drs appt with the gastroenterologist today and the bloodwork i had done last month was indeed mixed. it looks like i had 3-4 tests done, and two of the newer more accurate said negative, the older test said positive for celiac.. so to be absolutely sure they want to do a biopsy. so once again i'll need an endoscopy. but at least i'll get a day off of work out of it..
Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers
7 years ago