Wednesday, January 23, 2008

a lunch experiment

i went to the grocery store last night so that i could stock up on fruits and veggies.. i was inspired to buy dr preager's potato/broccoli and potato/spinach pancakes. if you've never had them, do yourself a favor and pick some up next time you are cruising around the frozen foods section of your local grocery store. anyway.. i brought one for lunch today and after putting it through the toaster 2 times it was still not firm enough to remove from the toaster, but i was impatient and said, "screw it. i'm eating it anyway". well. the pancake had other ideas.. i ended up having to turn the toaster upside down and shake my pancake out...

it was less than appetizing looking with random toaster bread crumbs all over it..

but sandwiched in a roll, you wouldn't even know that it was in 7 mashed up pieces...

after that disappointing sandwich i was totally rewarded with this delicious concoction of home made pico de gallo mixed with half an avocado.. it was dreamy!

have i mentioned how much i am enjoying hummus this time around?

tonight is trivia.. i think its going to be just us and KtW.. wish us luck, its been some time since we all went.