it rained an s-ton here in syracuse this weekend. so much so that the planned picnic at green lakes had to be moved indoors. it was still a good time. Bilos place was cute.
i took a short video of P&Ss baby. she's so cute, and now she can sit up by herself.
sunday i drove down to the campgrounds and hung out with the family for an afternoon..
here is a 2:25 minute video of audrey.
here are the static pictures i took
i have plans to see pineapple express next week with SF. woot! can't wait. this week i am going to spend almost a tank of gas and 5 hours of my time to see a movie that i have already seen, but this time with E&R. it is a movie you can see again, The Dark Knight.
tonight KW and i are taking the plunge and going to the gym. hopefully this is the start of something habitual. lol....
Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers
7 years ago